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Showing posts from August, 2018

Alcohol on my Mental Health - A Change in Perception

Sometimes, after nights or weekends of drinking, I feel as if I have a day or so where my antidepressants seem to have no effects and I return to low moods. It is only in these moments that I wonder how on earth alcohol is legal and how damning it is on our society. I’m not going to go and preach about how bad it is for us like some sort of saint, for undoubtedly in the next couple of weekends I will have occasions where I drink heavily once again. Yet even despite that, I believe society as a whole makes it so that you need alcohol to ‘have fun’ and we overlook its true effects to suit us. I could throw statistics about the harm of alcohol or medical studies that prove its danger at you, but if I’m honest, as a reader I’d find that quite condescending. So at risk of sounding a little self-centred, I’m going to talk about its effect on me. And maybe have a little rant at society’s attitudes to it in doing so! When most think of alcohol, most usually think of having a