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Showing posts from October, 2018

Social Media - The Cat That Could Soon Turn Black

Sometimes I wonder what modern life would be like without social media along with all the benefits and cons that it brings. You wouldn't, for better or for worse, be able to pinpoint people's exact locations at any given time (yes, I'm looking at you Snapchat), be able to share an article, photo or some thoughts with hundreds or thousands of people in seconds, nor be able to access news from around the world within seconds.  For many of us, social media is so ingrained in our lives that we cannot imagine life without it. It is a brilliant invention, after all, and no doubt has many benefits, although carrier pigeons might have something to say about that. But, jokes aside, does it have an alarming influence on modern day society? In short, I think we all recognise its dangers. Online gaming addictions are rife in more developed countries, in the UK alone, it is estimated that of the 46.6 million regular web users, between 2 and 5 million of them are addicted to gam