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Showing posts from November, 2018

A Few Short Excerpts

Accidentally, it might seem as if I have taken a hiatus from emptying my ever-clustered mind onto this blog. But here I am, with a blog over a year old and nearing 10,000 total views (that still shocks me every time I see it!) and seeing as I simply haven't found anything to passionately write about recently, today's post will be a little different. I have four little excerpts that have sat unpublished on my laptop for a multitude of reasons, each with a varying degree of intellectuality and superficiality, but all that were too short to warrant an individual piece themselves. I hope they are as thought-provoking to some of you as they were for me writing them. The Misrepresentation on Drugs Regularly, I come across comments and articles across many forms of media that vehemently chastise people for the use of recreational drugs - or even the concepts of drugs at all. I find this view rather absurd, and firmly believe that the origins of this emanate from the so-called