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Showing posts from February, 2019

The Power of Music - Thru The Nite

"I wanted to make the listener think, maybe ring that person you haven't heard from in a while and make sure they're ok. I want to make an impact." Reflecting on his song 'Nightmares', the interlude to his latest EP 'Thru the Nite', Tarun Puri outlines just how much of a profound message you can send to listeners through music. "I repeat the same lines throughout, with the aim of touching the listener. Just like depression can constantly be on your mind and there is nothing the sufferer can do about it." The song is sung from the perspective of someone who ignores a phone call from their friend, as they are experiencing some underlying mental health problems and seeks to illustrate just how isolated mental illness can make one feel. In similar vein, Tarun's first track 'Famous' stands out as a personal reflection of his work. "It shows the shift in mentality I have undergone in the past six months. I've started to f