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Showing posts from March, 2019


What matters most to me, is likely an afterthought to you. What matters most to you, is probably something I would touch on for a minute at most.   Whilst that may be wholly exaggerated, perspectives influence nigh-on all of our unconscious and conscious decisions every day. For without perspectives, often based off instantaneous reactions that are a product of one's particular environment, we have little. We may as well be robots without them.  You might think this matters little. Obviously, it depends on our viewpoints, our loved ones, our desires and most of all our circumstances, so shouldn't that just be put down to humanity? I disagree. If we are to understand why anyone does anything, we must examine their perspective and what causes them to act in the way they do.  I write this just days after the tragic terror attack on a mosque in Christchurch, resulting in the massacre of 49 people. It is hard to understand just why the attacker, a man from Queensland in