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Showing posts from November, 2019

A Puzzle of Social Constraints

Five years ago, if you'd told me I'd dye my hair blonde for charity, I'd have thought you were crazy. Surely I'll be judged for looking stupid? Ridiculed as I walk round the street? Lose all my self-confidence as a result of the two?  Yet here we are, those three perfectly natural doubts dispelled as myths, and conversely, all three have had the opposite effect. In a sort of crazy nihilist yet positive way, I don't really care anymore. Time is an odd thing. As I have probably painstakingly reiterated in almost all of my blogs over the last year and a half or so, I am a deep-thinking person. I'm apathetic about the superficial things in life - what brand of clothing to wear, in what state it is acceptable for me to leave the house, if people are making implicit judgements about me. That is not to put myself on a pedestal; nor suggest a moral superiority complex, I'll continually do my best to make that clear. In contrast, what concerns me most i