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Showing posts from May, 2020

Bedlam on the Bank Holiday

Sometimes you just have to wonder how senseless and shortsighted the British public had to be to elect this government late last year. Because after the turbulence of the last decade, we have put in power a bureaucracy that is fast fashioning this country into the complete antithesis of what we call "democracy". The Dominic Cummings scandal that has emerged this weekend is, in my opinion, one of the revealing and startling scandals in British political history. I cannot admonish Boris Johnson's key political adviser's infringement of lockdown alone, after all I have constantly defended Neil Ferguson for his alleged lockdown breach by having a lover visit him on two occasions , as I believe his work is invaluable in saving people's lives. But it is what has followed in Cummings' case that concerns me, and I am sure many others, immeasurably. On the penultimate Friday night of May, the Guardian and the Mirror published a joint exclusive suggesting that