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Showing posts from October, 2020

Until we supress political tribalism, we will continue to callously neglect the needs of the poor and vulnerable

When anything takes precedence over looking after the basic needs of people, we must ask questions of ourselves and our priorities. Individuals are the whirring cogs of society, living lives increasingly dominated by work. Without choice, we buy into this life on the basis that we all get sufficient returns to feed our families, enjoy our free time and find value in our time. Yet when a 20 year-old footballer is doing more to combat child hunger than those in power , you have to wonder whether everyone gets a fair deal. Forget politics or economics for a second, society has sold its soul to the devil. The "devil", in this case, is a complex web of bankers, politicians, oligarchs, social media giants and failing businessmen-turned-Presidents who have differences in every department but one - their greed. And "sold" is an apt metaphor, given that it is economically in which they have benefitted most. In the UK in 2018, the richest 10% held 45% of the country's wea