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Showing posts from May, 2021

The unhealthy relationship between media and human rights issues

Last Monday night, I watched a video . A video which contained the pleas and cries of Indian suffering, cries that had previously reverberated around the world, but now were being ignored. Despite being at the forefront of Western media just a fortnight before, India's COVID-19 crisis has been cut from the news, and become largely sidestepped, in a drastically short space of time.  News cycles are constantly evolving, picking up the latest story that sells newspapers, gets website views, or captures a reader's attention. The constant demand for new, unique stories leads to a jolted inaccurate story of the world's events. Maybe that was somewhat acceptable, when news platforms weren't 24/7. But right now, exacerbated by social media, they are constantly churning out information, stories and content that isn't illustrative of what is happening worldwide. They pick and choose what story they care about - and then discard it when it no longer sells papers. When these is