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Showing posts from June, 2021

Science has been our saviour - but vaccines have so much more potential

  When I gazed out of the window of a deserted train sixteen months ago, the sense of anguish and uncertainty I felt was commonplace amongst the majority of the world. The biggest public health crisis in a century was upon us, and no-one truly knew the severity of COVID-19, or how the consequences would shape the world. Perhaps, as the hastily thrashed out blog  I wrote on that train  lamented, we knew it would affect us, but we had no idea what the reality of that would look like. Similar to that mid-March afternoon, I write this on a train. This time though, I don’t sit here with the same degree of uncertainty. For the world has adapted immensely in the last year. Masks, hand sanitizer, social distancing. Things that were unusual have become the norm – though I still haven’t found a way to stop my glasses steaming up under a mask! Credit: But the biggest difference to that last train journey, is that last week , I had my COVID-19 vaccine ! Vaccines hold f