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Showing posts from December, 2022

As extreme weather patterns become more common, our attitudes towards the homeless need to change

  A short foreword is needed before I get into this particular post. The fact slipped by me, but the end of last year marked 5 years since I set this blog up in October 2017.  At the time, I did not know how crazy the idea was, whether my writing would make any sense, or if people would even be interested.  A whole 63 blogs later, all of these concerns have been disproven. Whilst it has sometimes been a place for me to vent anger or disgust at a world that has changed dramatically since I started writing, it has served for more than that. It has become personal to me, in fact it feels even tied to my personality. For each article over the last five years, I can look back and recall key events within both my life and the global political sphere. In some ways, it acts as a personal timeline of opinions, lots of which have changed since my initial writing. And it has developed my writing immeasurably, for the initial ones were even more convoluted than the recent ones! None of this motiva