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Showing posts from May, 2023

The Coronation may have cultural value, but it is a slap in the face for all those struggling to get by in Britain

On one hand, the prospect of an extra bank holiday brings an inescapable sense of pleasure, bringing the 4-day week count in May to three. For once, we’re 60% of the way towards a week structure that better incorporates wellbeing into the drive of economic productivity.  Yet on the other, I cannot escape the nagging question that accompanies the outwardly normal date of Saturday 6th May 2023. People from a myriad of cultures will descend on London, with many more watching on from afar, to celebrate King Charles III’s coronation.   In the most polite, British way possible, sorry, why is this happening?   Cultural heritage goes a long way for lots of people, partly due to its inescapable connection to our identities. Owing to my own multicultural background, I would be one of the first to recognise the day-to-day impact that identity has on our perceptions of the world. Boiled down to its very essence, the British monarchy is a cultural tool that has shaped the identity of possibly the w