Syria. What
an unparalleled mess.
Unless you’ve
been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you will be aware of the air
strikes that the US, UK and France have carried out on the war-torn country in
response to President Bashar Al-Assad’s supposed use of chemical weapons on his
own people. The reaction to these has been divided; many people support, many
I have been
very critical of the Western world as a whole previously, and I plan to do so
again. It is not simply the attacks that I find staggering, it is the complete attitude
we have to the area. There seems to be an abhorrent idea that, due to the fact
we are the powerhouses of the world, we can magically act as ‘the world’s
police’ and stop what we brand as ‘evil’ happening in the world.
Except it
isn’t because of evil that we intervene is it? If that were the case, we would
have attacked Syria with this sort of air strike more than 100 times and this
would not be news now. You can’t just pick and choose when to be offended by
the use of chemical weapons. You also can’t intervene when you feel like it
will gain you a political advantage, and then go and claim to be doing what is
best for the people of Syria.
Back in
2013, the US first decided to fund rebel groups against Assad, albeit rather
half-heartedly, and tried to pass it off as a reaction to chemical attacks. The
real reason was, as many often now know, the Kirkuk-Banias oil pipeline that
runs from Northern Iraq to Syria. In 2003, this had been accidently destroyed
by US forces (imagine my shock at that). The estimated total oil on Syria’s
land was 2.5 billion barrels in 2013, it hardly needs me to say why the West
decided to get involved – it is that imperialistic idea of ‘more wealth will
make us better’, not for those masses of people that Assad has slaughtered.
And then a
year later, in 2014, a US-led coalition furthered their involvement in Syria
with the aim of defeating ISIS. Funnily enough, ISIS were the strongest
distinct force against Assad (and the West, through terrorism) at the time, so
by weakening the only real organised rebel group in Syria, we effectively
handed back control of the country to Assad – when he was perhaps on his knees.
Now it is Assad
who is the supposed dangerous force, so naturally now he is the target of the
Western world. Again, what does the policy stem from? The countries that are
thousands of miles away living in a heaven of ignorance relative to those impoverished
Syrians that we claim to be aiding.

Assad has
bombed his own people for years. Now that there’s the label of a ‘chemical attack’,
many ignorant Westerners come out and suggest that this warrants an attack on a
country that I would argue was in a more stable state before we entered it than
it is now. Just because it is against the UN and NATO conventions, that makes it
so much worse apparently.
I don’t buy
it. Through that, what we are suggesting is that it is ok for Assad to use normal
bombs to kill his own people. Again, I struggle to see how that shows that we
want what is best for the Syrian people, and are attempting to ‘liberate’ them,
like we have with Libya and others previously.
No one
looks at this debacle from the point of view of the Syrian public, and this is
perhaps the most arrogant mistake we make even now. The majority of the Western
world think that we are the great liberators, that those Syrians want us to
come in and save them like a hero out of an action movie.
Those same countries
that have caused the trouble they find themselves in now? Those same countries
that have effectively gone into their country and upset their livelihoods for
wealth? Those same countries that fought against the biggest rebel group of the
country and are now fighting the government that fought the rebels? Heroes? You’ve
got to be having a laugh.
On top of
this, approximately 80% of Syrians support Assad. Where did I get that
statistic from? From my dad, a person who has actually visited the country and
spoken to some people that reside there. Question the reliability if you want,
but the fact is that that view does not fit the agenda of many of the Western
media, and although it borders on the lines of conspiracy theorems, it isn’t
what the rich moguls want us to hear, for they are the ones that have a vested
interest in Syrian oil. So you won’t find that sort of statistic in the mainstream
media. You only need to look at the example of a Sky News presenter cutting off
a correspondent who was about to speak more accurately on the matter to prove
this point.
In no
uncertain terms, the air strikes have done absolutely nothing to aid the Syrian
chaos that clouds the country far more than any missiles or chemical weapons ever
will. In 2014, we went in to ensure the end of ISIS, we failed, and now four
years later we are attempting to wage war on the one distinct force that
battled them before.
Democracy is
a predominantly Western term and, I say this as a guess nevertheless, but I don’t
believe it can be implemented in countries such as Syria. Because that is what
we are claiming to do right, give the people a chance at fairer governmental
control? It is a natural process that has to take its time to come around, history
has shown us that. Yet we ourselves still take an imperialistic, backwards
approach to countries such as Syria.
hypocrisy of the West stinks. And regretfully, it will continue to do so for
the near future.
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