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Showing posts from July, 2018

Changes and Deeper Meanings

I have always considered myself to be an introvert, or at least someone who thinks deeply about the majority of what we call life. Though that is nothing extraordinary itself, it often strikes me that superficial events and moments in my life end up taking on a more prominent meaning in my mind than perhaps they should do. Case in point, finishing school. Naturally, it is a substantial change that all in their late teens would reflect on, at least for a while. After all, it marks the transition from being a protected child to venturing out into the world and being forced to act with significantly more independence. Yet prior to writing this, sitting on a plane, more than just that thought came to my mind. I started reflecting upon the whole concept of human interaction, and how unique each person’s experiences of both others and the world can be. How can you judge someone for an action if you don’t truly know their reasons for an act? Surely it is impossible for us to intr