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Showing posts from December, 2018

Reflecting - A New Start

So, the last month of another year. A time for stuffing our faces with food and enjoying time with our loved ones. As I reflect back on the year, I will avoid the irritating perennial ‘where has this year gone?’ cliché that often pops up on social media. Cynical me rolls my eyes at this, each year is the same length, give or take. This year that exasperation is especially prevalent. It has undoubtedly been the longest of my life (metaphorically, of course – or I’d instantly smack of hypocrisy). It has thrown up challenges I’d never thought could even exist, changed my view on my future ambitions and I need not go on about these issues. As much as I would like to, it would be repetitive; reading through previous blogs has made me realise that I simply cannot put severe mental health problems into as cohesive and moving an article as I feel I did then. Yet I do want to reflect on the year as a whole, with a longer-term focus – and I’d be grateful if you joined me on this journe