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Showing posts from December, 2019

Politics is becoming ugly through our insistence to focus on the negatives

Predictably, election fever has gripped the UK in the last few weeks, which will no doubt continue until we know the outcome of the December 12th election. It is a time where you get political propaganda emerging everywhere. Through the door in leaflets, on signs outside houses, on social media platforms, the list is endless.  I was apathetic before campaigning for this general election began. In fact, I had been for a long time. Party politics is corrupting our nation, our leaders are lying through their teeth and, no matter what they will claim on each side, care very little about the people. To an extent, the chasm between politicians and people appeared irreversible.  Yet now that an election has come to town, suddenly party identification is at the centre of discussion. Suddenly, everyone leans towards a party one way or another. Whether that is driven by the belief that they genuinely can change things, or attempting to choose the least worst option, the public have