With the emergence of COVID-19, we are living in completely unprecedented times. Times that inevitably will cause much anguish, instability and discontent throughout the world on a larger scale than any pandemic since the Spanish Flu following the First World War.
I am, in some ways, lost for words as I sit on the train home trying to write this, trying to expel some of the anxiety that has engulfed me for the last few weeks. The station and train itself tell the whole story. It is completely empty.
For a world where we have become accustomed to constant overcrowding and a need to get more things done in a shorter period of time, this is nothing short of incredible. I think we pride ourselves on how productive we are, the gradual increase in economic productivity shows that.
When the whole modern world comes to a standstill, you know that it is serious. I am all too aware that my increased anxiety is not individual, I would expect nearly every person to struggle mentally when stuck at home for what could be upwards of 6 months. There is the profound impact it may have on people's jobs and subsequent livelihoods, the mark it leaves on people's education and chances to create new starts, and of course the lasting impression it may have for those at risk of death, and for their loved ones.
It is a sobering thought, but we are not as powerful as we think. For all the economic strength we might have, the political stability we might have, the social security, you name it, we are not as strong as nature. It is hard to think that, given the way we have colonised this planet, we are small pawns with very limited power in creating anything.
Our whole social, economic and political system could be blown apart by one virus. Leaders might die, the stock markets may crash, people will lose jobs - all of which in turn, weaken social bonds amongst all. It may take generations to fully recover from this, depending on the severity of the virus.
The world will be in complete shutdown. As much as I have pointed at human nature as the root of many far-reaching problems in the world - we are absolutely powerless and not at fault for this. It is transcending.
My heart goes out to those at higher risk of this horrific virus, my heart goes out to the workers, nurses and experts who are battling away to try and mitigate the severity of this whilst many are in self-isolation. But in reality, I feel for every single human who will have to endure months of isolation in the company of only a few people.
I love my family, don't get me wrong, but months in the house with only them for company? I can't think of much that scares me more, in a mental sense. It is crazy, but then we are effectively experiencing what a 16th century British farmer would have done. Knowing just a few people for their whole lives, remaining in one place doing the same thing, day in day out. Perhaps I should take comfort in that when I try to find rewarding things to do during a period of isolation.
Every time this train goes past buildings, I realise the magnitude of the change we are going to experience in the next few months. 90% of these will be shut down, if they are not already. Physical life is likely going to be halted without much warning.
Social media, which I have been really critical of in the past, is now absolutely vital in keeping the spirits of people up whilst the coronavirus devastates the world. We have the mechanisms to communicate electronically, through voice, message or pictures. I think it may turn out to be the saving grace of 2020, and perhaps the most important technological invention of our generation.
It is perhaps, mentally, young adults and most of my audience, who are most at danger of falling into a repetitive hole of boredom and hopelessness. At an age where there is so much change and uncertainty, we are often more insecure and unsure of our place in the world. We are the ones with more knowledge of social media and its uses, and we must use that to help each other get through this.
I'm not sure how to end this. It is going to be tough, there will be periods of angst and I know people are going to struggle, especially with family and friends who may be vulnerable as a result. I mentioned before that the trigger of Brexit and leaving the EU might be one of the most significant moments of my life.
It pales in comparison now. These next few months, they will serve a stark reminder as to the intricacies of the world - and the limits of humans. They will be hard to forget.
I am, in some ways, lost for words as I sit on the train home trying to write this, trying to expel some of the anxiety that has engulfed me for the last few weeks. The station and train itself tell the whole story. It is completely empty.
For a world where we have become accustomed to constant overcrowding and a need to get more things done in a shorter period of time, this is nothing short of incredible. I think we pride ourselves on how productive we are, the gradual increase in economic productivity shows that.
When the whole modern world comes to a standstill, you know that it is serious. I am all too aware that my increased anxiety is not individual, I would expect nearly every person to struggle mentally when stuck at home for what could be upwards of 6 months. There is the profound impact it may have on people's jobs and subsequent livelihoods, the mark it leaves on people's education and chances to create new starts, and of course the lasting impression it may have for those at risk of death, and for their loved ones.
It is a sobering thought, but we are not as powerful as we think. For all the economic strength we might have, the political stability we might have, the social security, you name it, we are not as strong as nature. It is hard to think that, given the way we have colonised this planet, we are small pawns with very limited power in creating anything.
Our whole social, economic and political system could be blown apart by one virus. Leaders might die, the stock markets may crash, people will lose jobs - all of which in turn, weaken social bonds amongst all. It may take generations to fully recover from this, depending on the severity of the virus.
The world will be in complete shutdown. As much as I have pointed at human nature as the root of many far-reaching problems in the world - we are absolutely powerless and not at fault for this. It is transcending.

I love my family, don't get me wrong, but months in the house with only them for company? I can't think of much that scares me more, in a mental sense. It is crazy, but then we are effectively experiencing what a 16th century British farmer would have done. Knowing just a few people for their whole lives, remaining in one place doing the same thing, day in day out. Perhaps I should take comfort in that when I try to find rewarding things to do during a period of isolation.
Every time this train goes past buildings, I realise the magnitude of the change we are going to experience in the next few months. 90% of these will be shut down, if they are not already. Physical life is likely going to be halted without much warning.
Social media, which I have been really critical of in the past, is now absolutely vital in keeping the spirits of people up whilst the coronavirus devastates the world. We have the mechanisms to communicate electronically, through voice, message or pictures. I think it may turn out to be the saving grace of 2020, and perhaps the most important technological invention of our generation.
It is perhaps, mentally, young adults and most of my audience, who are most at danger of falling into a repetitive hole of boredom and hopelessness. At an age where there is so much change and uncertainty, we are often more insecure and unsure of our place in the world. We are the ones with more knowledge of social media and its uses, and we must use that to help each other get through this.
I'm not sure how to end this. It is going to be tough, there will be periods of angst and I know people are going to struggle, especially with family and friends who may be vulnerable as a result. I mentioned before that the trigger of Brexit and leaving the EU might be one of the most significant moments of my life.
It pales in comparison now. These next few months, they will serve a stark reminder as to the intricacies of the world - and the limits of humans. They will be hard to forget.
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