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Showing posts from January, 2021

Freedom is a fantasy, which can only be achieved by a good deal of empathy

Empathy has become a trait I have wanted this world to embrace more sincerely throughout the past couple of years, especially given the challenges we face are becoming more personal than ever. On a human level, such is the power of feeling understood that it can create positive bonds in even the most bleak situations. Well, now we have the opportunity.  The difficulties faced this year for all, throughout the world, need no mentioning. Spending excess time with your own mind is challenging. Especially when weighed down by negativity - which these blogs definitely haven't helped. Sorry. But not sorry. We had slipped into such a lull as a society that we didn't appreciate the things we had. We needed so much variety in our personal lives, from what film to watch at the weekend to choosing which beer to buy, of the millions that seem to exist. I'll take any but Carling, thanks.  I'm sure the few people that are reading this are instantly thinking "man, I can't wai