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Showing posts from January, 2022

Another year of overlooking history can teach us huge lessons. Whether we learn from them, is doubtful

It feels every year that I find myself lamenting end-of-year reviews for their clichéd and banal nature, for after all the calendar is an artificial concept - somewhat influenced by astrology - and needs little celebrating. I suppose it is an excuse to drink, which is why you're not reading this a few days earlier! Perhaps it is best for me to put that cynical perspective aside, because as with all of history, last year taught society a lot. Or has it? As I reflect back at what unfolded in 2021, politically and socially, I can only draw a single conclusion. That humankind continues to repeat its mistakes. With each passing rotation around the sun, we have more knowledge and power bestowed upon us on a world full of enrichment and opportunities for progress. The advent of technology has only accelerated that growth exponentially, through a combination of accessibility and sheer capability. As these ever-increasing complexities continue to dominate, we have become so attached to inno