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Showing posts from March, 2022

An Anniversary (of Sorts)

  Friday marks four years since I first used this blog to open up about my struggles with anxiety and, most prevalently at the time, depression. Looking back, it is quite a messy piece of writing and perhaps proved as a catalyst for many more emotion-filled blogs that probably illustrate the positive and negative sides of mental health. Far from regret, as I reflect on what felt like a gigantic step at the time, the overwhelming sentiment is of satisfaction. This stems not from my own wellbeing, but instead from the development in mental health awareness since 1 st April 2017, the extent to which I find extremely heart-warming. Back when I first wrote that piece, things seemed extremely lonely. I had very little experience or interaction with those in similar plights (those people will forever mean the world), little thought of where to go for support, and perhaps most importantly, didn’t understand that mental health isn’t only for those with a struggle. So when I was diagnosed

The tragedy in Ukraine exposes flaws in international systems and how we view war-torn civilians

It is just over two weeks since the geopolitical world was turned on its head as a result of Vladimir Putin's decision to invade Ukraine. As news developed, it became evidently clear that this will not be a war, but a massacre, inflicting damage upon millions of innocent civilians and uprooting lives, places and nature. Amongst the many that the threat causes, the overwhelming reaction can only be to sigh. For, briefly putting aside the devastating humanitarian crisis that this will cause, this is another example of the fragilities of the world system that we live in. It is possibly the closest the world has come to nuclear war since the infamous Cuban Missile Crisis just under 60 years ago.  Some causes are obvious. Putin has waved about wildly delusional Russian motives for the attack and the mask behind his previously inscrutable persona is slipping. Make no mistake, this is a decision far removed from the majority of his citizens and even advisors and is built upon narcissist