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Showing posts from March, 2020

The Lack of Power in Human Life

With the emergence of COVID-19, we are living in completely unprecedented times. Times that inevitably will cause much anguish, instability and discontent throughout the world on a larger scale than any pandemic since the Spanish Flu following the First World War. I am, in some ways, lost for words as I sit on the train home trying to write this, trying to expel some of the anxiety that has engulfed me for the last few weeks. The station and train itself tell the whole story. It is completely empty. For a world where we have become accustomed to constant overcrowding and a need to get more things done in a shorter period of time, this is nothing short of incredible. I think we pride ourselves on how productive we are, the gradual increase in economic productivity shows that. When the whole modern world comes to a standstill, you know that it is serious. I am all too aware that my increased anxiety is not individual, I would expect nearly every person to struggle mentally when st

A Significant Personal Milestone

It is not often you can mark down the single worst point in your life. Yet February and March 2018 were the lowest of my lows. Those months have shaped the person I am today more so than any others have and no matter how much I would or would not want to forget them, I'll never be able to. Perhaps ironically, despite how significant they are, daily life back then is a complete an utter blur because of the nature of my broken mental health. All I remember is that most days I was at some point either bed-ridden, crying, or being unintentionally forced to be in an uncomfortable situation that I didn't want to be in. Rather than extensively describing it myself now, it is easier to point myself towards the blog I wrote  at the time. The blog that has made me so much more open about my mental health. That has helped me immeasurably. That was typed through a plethora of my erratic emotions at the time. Anger at small things, sadness at my own life, disillusionment with the w